Next to becoming a member in a professional association like ALA or SLA, joining a social media group is the next best way to be part of a librarian community. Plus, they are free. Social media communities can be a great place to network and you’ll find that members are generally very helpful.
- ALA Think Tank
- Design and UX for Libraries
- Library Entrepreneurship & Maker Services
- Library Technology
- WordPress and Librarians
- Blended Librarians Online Learning Community
- Internet Librarian
- Library & Information Technology Association (LITA)
- Library Technology Guides (Marshall Breeding)
- Code4Lib
- Information Discovery and Access – Libraries
- Law Librarians
- Libraries and Librarians
- Library Technology
- LSW (Library Society of the World)
- Public Libraries
- RDA Cataloging
- School libraries
- School Library Media Specialists
- Library in Digital Environment
- Social Media for Libraries, Library Friends, and Library Foundations
- LinkedIn: Social Media in Libraries (WebJunction)
- The Digital Shift – @ShiftTheDigital
- Amanda Goodman – @godaisies (Library UX)
- Michael Schofield – @schoeyfield (Library UX)