Library Technology at the ALA 2019 Annual Conference

ALA 2019 Annual Conference

The ALA 2019 Annual Conference is just days away. The conference covers a myriad of library topics and sorting through the program sessions to find the ones focused on library technology takes effort.  Let us do the work for you.

Here is our list of programs related to library technology.  You’ll find interest groups and sessions on data and metadata, Linked Data, FOLIO, ILS and LMS, websites, mobile apps, NISO standards, UX, emerging technologies, and more. Committee meetings were not included. Sessions are located at the Washington Convention Center unless otherwise noted.

For official descriptions, speakers, and final schedule, please check the conference Full Schedule page.

Continue reading “Library Technology at the ALA 2019 Annual Conference”

2019 Library Conference Schedule

It’s a new year and we are looking forward to the 2019 annual library conferences. The list below covers large library technology conferences as well as the major conferences where technology will be discussed.

January #hashtag
25-29 ALA Midwinter Meeting, Seattle, WA #alamw19
19-22 Code4Lib 2019, San José, CA #c4l19
3-6 14th Annual ER&L Conference, Austin, TX #erl19
4-6 Designing for Digital, Austin, TX + Online #d4d19
20-21 Library Technology Conference 2019, St. Paul, MN #LTC2019
26-28 Computers in Libraries 2019, Arlington, VA #CILDC
17 UNT Open Access Symposium 2019, Dallas, TX #UNTOA19
2-6 ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2019, Urbana-Champaign, IL #JCDL2019
14-18 SLA Annual Conference 2019, Cleveland, OH #SLA2019
20-25 ALA Annual Conference 2019, Washington, DC #ALAAC19
24-30 IFLA World Library and Information Congress, Athens, Greece #wlic2019
19-23 ASIS&T Annual Meeting 2019, Melbourne, Australia #ASIST19
TBA Charleston Conference, Charleston, SC #CHSConf2019
February 2020
25-29 PLA Conference 2020, Nashville, TN #PLA2020

For more comprehensive lists, see Douglas Hasty’s Library Conference Planner website.

2018 Library Conference Schedule

It’s a new year and we are looking forward to the 2018 annual library conferences.  The list below covers large library technology conferences as well as the major conferences where technology will be discussed.

February #hashtag
9-13 ALA Midwinter Meeting, Denver, CO #alamw18
13-16 Code4Lib 2018, Los Angeles, CA  #c4l18
4-7 13th Annual ER&L Conference, Austin, TX #erl18
5-7 Designing for Digital, Austin, TX  #d4d18
14-15 Library Technology Conference 2018, St. Paul, MN #libtechconf
20-24 PLA Conference 2018, Philadelphia, PA #PLA2018
17-19 Computers in Libraries 2018, Arlington, VA #CILDC
3-6 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2018, Fort Worth, TX #JCDL2018
3-6 UNT Open Access Symposium 2018, Fort Worth, TX #UNTOA18
9-13 SLA Annual Conference 2018, Baltimore, MD #SLA2018
21-26 ALA Annual Conference 2018, New Orleans, LA #ALAAC18
24-30 IFLA World Library and Information Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia #wlic2018
5-9 Charleston Conference, Charleston, SC @chsconf
9-14 ASIS&T Annual Meeting 2018, Vancouver, Canada @asist_org

For more comprehensive lists, see Douglas Hasty’s Library Conference Planner website.

Library Technology at the ALA 2017 Annual Conference

ALA 2017 Annual Conference

The ALA 2017 Annual Conference is just one week away.  The conference covers a myriad of library topics and sorting through the program sessions to find the ones focused on library technology takes effort.  Let us do the work for you.

Here is our list of programs related to library technology.  You’ll find interest groups and sessions on data and metadata, makerspaces, UX, Linked Data, ILS and LMS, websites, mobile apps, emerging technologies, and more.  Committee meetings were not included.

For official descriptions, speakers, and final schedule, please check the conference Full Schedule page.
Continue reading “Library Technology at the ALA 2017 Annual Conference”

2017 Library Conference Schedule

With 2017 just started, we are looking forward to this year’s batch of annual library conferences.  The list below covers large library technology conferences as well as the major conferences where technology will be discussed.

January #hashtag
20-24 ALA Midwinter Meeting, Atlanta, GA #alamw17
6-9 Code4Lib 2017, Los Angeles, CA #c4l17
15-16 Library Technology Conference 2017, St. Paul, MN #LTC2017
28-30 Computers in Libraries 2017, Arlington, VA #CILDC
2-5 12th Annual ER&L Conference, Austin, TX #erl17
3-5 Designing for Digital, Austin, TX #d4d17
14-15 DPLAfest 2017, Chicago, IL #DPLAfest
16-20 SLA Annual Conference 2017, Phoenix, AZ #SLA2017
19-23 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2017, Toronto, Canada #JCDL2017
22-27 ALA Annual Conference 2017, Chicago, IL #ALAAC17
19-25 IFLA World Library and Information Congress, Wrocław, Poland #wlic2017
27-11/1 ASIS&T Annual Meeting 2017, Washington, DC @asist_org
6-10 Charleston Conference, Charleston, SC @chsconf
20-24 PLA Conference 2018, Philadelphia, PA #PLA2018

For more comprehensive lists, see Douglas Hasty’s Library Conference Planner website or D-Lib Magazine.